Made of Concrete…

COAD88 CONCRETE principal director , Zig Stelmach, concrete architect, designer and builder

Zig Stelmach

The principal director at COAD88 CONCRETE - Zig Stelmach is a building designer and registered builder. The keys to his success are his comprehensive strategic planning and communication skills.

  • ….when asked to write something about oneself, a mental blank naturally occurs. This is my Bio. 

    I have been in this industry for more than 35 years and have worked on more than 100 commercial and residential projects.

    Concrete has been a material that has always appealed to me. It is a material that is magical… moving from a liquid to a solid that forms walls, domes, curvaceous seats and statues.

    ... limited only by our imagination.

    Its natural properties are amazing: durable… fire resistant... thermally and acoustically insulating... impact resistant...

    If designed and formed correctly, elegant simple structures can be produced.

    A Classic example is the Pantheon in Rome (120 AD), a massivea massive concrete domed rotunda of 142 feet diameter, it stands as the largest un-reinforced concrete roof in the world.

    I design simple and elegant concrete forms using complementary materials.

COAD88 CONCRETE Architecture and design. Rachana Radhakrishna, Architectural Designer

Rachana Radhakrishna
Architectural Designer

Architectural designer and project coordinator. Rachana possesses extensive experience, high level skills and most importantly, a love to concrete.

  • My first exposure to concrete design was studying ‘Church of Light’ by Tadao Ando for a university project. The way he used natural light and geometry through the medium of concrete to create a meditative place of worship inspired me and also gave me my career focus.

    I am a strong believer in minimalist design and I want to continue to explore new and innovative design possibilities using concrete and natural timber.

RB. COAD88 CONCRETE Health project coordinator

Robert Burnham
Health Planning Consultant

Robert has held the position of Clinical Director for Clinical Services for Northern Health and was the Executive Director of Corporate Services for Northern Health.

  • I have extensive experience in health sector building and I have been responsible for overseeing multi-million-dollar health sector infrastructure developments. My experience includes diagnostic service expansions, general operating theatre and intensive care redevelopments.

    I was responsible for the $130 million five-storey ward and operating theatre/intensive care development (new building) at Northern Health, as well as the $132 million five-storey Northern Centre for Education and Research.

COAD88 CONCRETE Health Consultant, NATA principles and occupational health and safety advisor.

Kat Kowalik
Health Consultant

Kat provided strategic and practical advice across our architectural and interior design team, holding a Masters of Applied Science and a Diploma of Laboratory Technology

  • Through my experience I have gained theoretical and practical knowledge of laboratory equipment, instruments and diagnostic procedures in a laboratory setting.

    Thanks to hands-on roles in various pathology, medical and research institutions, I have an excellent understanding of laboratory layouts, equipment and workflow for quality and efficiency. Additionally, I advise on NATA principles and occupational health and safety matters with a strong focus on ergonomics and functionality.

Tony Burge
Building and Construction Consultant

Theatre, radiology and pathology specialist

  • I have worked on theatre, radiology and pathology fit-outs for large groups such as:

    • Dorevitch Pathology,

    • I-MED (radiology), and

    • Epworth Eastern, Box Hill (theatre).

    Since 2014, I have overseen the complete fit-out of approximately eight radiology units and 33 MRI rooms, as well as theatre fit-outs at Epworth Eastern, Box Hill.

Pairoje Wangsangwopanie (M)

Director of COAD88 BKK

Also known as M, Pairoje is a Director of COAD88 BKK and Co-director of the Project Design Team. M brings a wealth of qualifications and experience that he has gained in the USA, Australia and Thailand.

  • I grew up in a Thai-Chinese multi-generation family. For my parents and for me, study has always been a priority. I started with a degree in Business and my first job involved the creation and management of systems for the construction industry.

    It wasn’t enough for me – I wanted to create!

    To do so, I started my architectural/interior design study journey: from Indiana State University through RMIT, Melbourne to the Southern Institute of Architecture back in the USA.

    Throughout my studies I worked for several different companies until I came across a company that was as dedicated to concrete constructions as I was: COAD88.

    Zig and I have worked together for more than twenty years now. I manage and oversee our projects in Thailand (we design and build hotels, petrol stations, restaurants and offices) as well as being involved in designing concrete projects in Melbourne.

Concrete residential and commercial projects